Where is Joseph of Cupertino Classical Academy located?
Our Academy is located at St. Thomas More Catholic Parish in Irvine.
What grades are offered at JCCA?
JCCA currently offers enrollment for grades K – 10. This will expand to 11th grade in 2025 and 12th grade in 2026. The long-term vision is to serve Catholics in Orange County as a K-12 Academy.
What class sizes can students at JCCA expect?
Class sizes at JCCA allow for individualized attention and personalized teaching and learning. In the early years of the academy, grades will be grouped together into “combo-classes” or cohorts. In our founding year, the number of students per grade will vary between 5-10. As we grow, we intend for each grade eventually to be taught separately, with class sizes not to exceed 20 students.
Is JCCA is a school or a homeschool?
JCCA is a Private School Satellite Program (PSP) which both operates as a private school and assists families with their homeschooling needs. JCCA operates as a homeschool administrator by maintaining student records, attendance, health information, grades, and high school transcripts. The Academy files the annual Private School Affidavit which legally covers families and students for homeschooling.
JCCA’s courses will be included on your student’s transcript, as a part of our homeschool program. We are also capable of recording appropriate outside activities, such as additional coursework on transcripts.
Will JCCA faculty be credentialed?
JCCA has recruited faculty from within the local Catholic community. Personal practice of the Catholic faith, fidelity to the Magisterium, love for Catholic education, knowledge of their subject areas and teaching experience are the principal qualities which are sought after in our faculty. We do not require that faculty have or obtain credentials that are used in the public education system. However, a number of our faculty do have these credentials. If you are interested in becoming involved as a JCCA faculty member, please submit our faculty interest form.
Which curriculum will JCCA utilize?
JCCA will offer a Catholic, liberal arts curriculum. The curriculum is accessible at home as well as within the traditional classroom environment. Our score and sequence can be located on our website in the “Academics” section.
JCCA is a Partner Member of the Classical Latin School Association.
JCCA is also a Premier Member School of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education.

What is done during “at-home” days?
JCCA is a complete, Catholic, classical curriculum. Professional teachers instruct students in their areas of expertise and provide assignments for both school and home. On Wednesday and Friday “at-home” days, parents continue instruction and monitor their students’ progress. The family works together to facilitate a learning environment in the home.
There is no need to supplement JCCA’s curriculum, however, your student’s “at-home” days provide the flexibility for additional tutoring, enrichment, field trips, and family time. Many families use the “at-home” days for extracurricular activities such as additional music lessons and sports.
Will assessments be required for enrolling students?
Each incoming student is required to take a placement assessment. The assessment will provide insight into the prospective student’s character and academic abilities which will be helpful in determining acceptance and proper placement in our academic program.
What is the cost of attending JCCA?
JCCA is a private, tuition-based program which is designed to be financially accessible to the Catholic family. Our hybrid approach, fundraising, volunteerism, and sibling discounts serve to maintain reasonable tuition for families. A detailed tuition and fee schedule can be found in the “Tuition & Fees” section of our website for the upcoming 2024 academic year. Limited financial aid may also be available.
May I enroll my charter school student at JCCA?
JCCA does not recommend charter program enrollment due to the workload involved and additional charter requirements which may be burdensome to families. Families who enroll in a charter program and also choose to take classes at the Academy are required to inform JCCA of this arrangement. JCCA high school students may not be enrolled in a charter program while attending the Academy.
Will a uniform policy be implemented at JCCA?
Yes, students at JCCA wear uniforms to promote unity and modesty and to encourage dedication and student focus on their duties during the academy day. Vicki Marsha is our vendor. Uniform information is available here: